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Founded in 2001, Your Health Press is a consumer health publisher that publishes books about rare, stigmatizing and/or controversial topics (ignored by traditional publishers due to perceived poor markets), Your Health Press titles follow a model that translates MedicalSpeak into accessible language for the consumer.

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Understanding Thyroid Disease: Hypothyroidism, Graves' Disease and Thyroid Eye Disease
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The Thyroid Cancer Show
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Celiac Disease and Gluten Allergies
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The Fertility Industry
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Drug Free Pain Management
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Premature Ovarian Failure
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Cancer and the Environment
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Type 2 Diabetes in Women
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Coping with Hirsutism (Unwanted Hair)
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Choriocarcinoma and GTN
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Living with an Ostomy
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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
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Preventing Menopause
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